“One mission. Love God. Love People. Make Disciples.” Is what you read on the back of volunteers tops as they work in their ministry, The Clothes Closet at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Greenbrier. Over the course of a year the ministry, serves roughly 100 families in the area in times of need with gently used clothes and accessories. A typical Tuesday at the church consists of 5-8 volunteers sorting, organizing, and creating almost what seems like a mini store for individuals to shop in times of need.

The ministry began in 2016 with what originally started as food pantry. Leaders quickly determined that there was a greater need for clothes, and created a dedicated space for donations. After numerous area churches joined in the efforts (by assisting with donations and spreading the word) , the Clothes Closet has grown to what it is today. After the church was blessed with a new fellowship hall, the Clothes Closet found a permanent space.

Folks can make donations by contacting the church in advance via email at ministry@fmbc.church or can call or text Gayla Smith at 972-249-6043. Donations must be in good condition and typically they’re in need of children’s and men's casual clothes, although they will accept any other donations. Every third Saturday the church opens their doors to the public for their services 9-11:30 AM or when special circumstances occur. When individuals arrive they visit with church volunteers, enjoy a short devotional and then have the opportunity to shop on site. Pastor James Crews has brought needed energy to the ministry that has helped in the past couple of years. Organizer, Gayla Smith shares that people come from Conway, Damascus, Clinton and other neighboring communities for their services. She adds, “if anyone is interested in volunteering, they do not have to be a member of our church; they can just reach out us to get involved.”

The Greenbrier Chamber of Commerce is elated to celebrate The Clothes Closet at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church as our Non Profit/Service Organization of the Year for 2024. They will be honored along with our other business and citizen awards during our annual chamber banquet, March 28th at Legacy Acres. To read more about the Clothes Closet, check them out online at https://fmbc.church/ or email them at ministry@fmbc.church for donation details. Follow them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/FMBCGB