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Schedule A Ribbon Cutting with our team.

A ribbon cutting is a great way to celebrate your business with the local business community. This ceremonial ritual represents an important time for your business or organization. By working together with the Greenbrier Chamber of Commerce, you are on the path to a successful entrepreneurial venture.
  • What is the difference between a ribbon cutting and a grand opening?
    • A ribbon cutting is the ceremonial opening of a brand-new or newly-renovated/relocated business. You do not have to host a ribbon cutting the first week, or even month of opening. In fact, we recommend getting your place of business perfectly ready and in a groove before hosting an event like this so you can have everything in order, and in place. Trust us! It is less stressful if you are not worrying about opening your business with this event on top of that. Worry about your business first. Then, reach out to us to help you plan and schedule this event.
    • A Grand Opening is an event that you can host for your business to welcome the general public, but this is a separate event. Can a ribbon cutting take place the same day? Sure. But a ribbon cutting and a Grand Opening are generally targeting two different groups of people. The chamber is a business organization, so our specialty is in ribbon cuttings. If you are a chamber member, we can help you promote your grand opening to our members.
  • Who can host a ribbon cutting?

    • Any new or current chamber member that is in good standing.

  • What if I don’t have a storefront, or I run my business out of my home or online?

    • That’s perfectly fine! We can host a ribbon cutting at our office.

  • At least a two-week notice before the date of your event is preferred.

  • Ribbon cutting services are offered Tuesday-Thursday between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. We’re sorry; the Chamber cannot assist with ribbon cuttings on weekends or holidays.

  • Please plan in advance where the ribbon cutting will take place and who you would like to participate in the ribbon cutting photo.

  • We encourage you to manage your own promotion of the event to increase attendance and awareness of your business’ opening. You can consider inviting business partners, contractors, employees, customers, friends, and family to celebrate this momentous occasion with you. Please do not rely solely on the Chamber to attract your audience.

Included with a Chamber Membership:
  • Chamber Staff and our Volunteer Chamber Board of Directors are invited to celebrate with you (typically 2-6 individuals attend)

  • The Chamber will provide the big scissors and green ribbon

  • Photos of your ribbon cutting will be posted to the Chamber’s social media following your event

  • Special advertising in our weekly e-blast leading up to the event

  • Your event is added to our official "Event Calendar" on social media and online

© 2025 -Greenbrier Chamber of Commerce


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