“I enjoy helping people. That is why I’m still working,” Pharmacist Raymond Reynolds, co owner of American Drug shares proudly. While he has no plans to retire or slow down, this exceptional Greenbrier business celebrates 50 years of serving the community in July. It is amazing to think that he actually had no plans to get into this profession. Reynolds originally went to college on a basketball scholarship. After being encouraged to consider this career path, he changed his major and was glad he did! After graduating, Dwayne Goode approached him to begin to work for his company. Reynolds agreed, which set the course of history. Shortly after that, Reynolds was offered to purchase the drug store in Greenbrier. Goode and Reynolds decided to go into business together and created American Drug to what we know today.
(Originally known as Village RX Drugs back in the 70's)
Starting out they were located at the old service station (next to Burger King) and in the 80’s moved down the street to what most people know as the O’Reilly’s building. Currently American Drug sits on the corner of Main and 65 and has seen many changes in Greenbrier over the last 50 years! Aside from the obvious technology updates, “Insurance has been the biggest change. It dictates what we can do. The doctor might write a prescription, but insurance might not cover it. We try to work with our customers” he shares.
(A young Raymond Reynolds pictured above)
Due to health problems Goode has not been active in daily operations for some time but Reynolds has kept things going and has been joined by Kevin Moore and now Nathan Bartrow. In addition to the amazing pharmacist on staff, a staple of the business is Ms. Carolyn “Sue” Sturdivant who has worked for American Drug for over 40 years.
(Photo of Ms. Sue)
When asked about success and future plans for American Drug, Reynolds shares, “Greenbrier is growing! That means, we are growing. We still continue to grow each month.” The new drive in addition has been a plus as well. “Thank goodness we put that in when we did, because when COVID impacted our area we were still able to serve our customers when they needed it the most.”
In addition to fulfilling prescriptions they also sell veterinary supplies and gifts. American Drug is open Monday through Friday 8:30 to 6 and 8:30-1 on Saturdays. Congratulations once again American Drug for your success! Our community is blessed greatly by your investment and commitment to Greenbrier.
The Greenbrier Chamber celebrates American Drug as our February business of the month, please stop by Wednesday, February 23rd from 4-6 PM during our monthly Mix and Mingle. The entire chamber membership and community is encouraged to stop by.
(Photo of the American Drug staff)